Let God Do It

For someone, anyone, who needs the reminder. Get out of the way, and into the will of the Father. Surrender. Make your requests known to God, write the Vision and make it plain, set your intentions, and then .... release. Let it go. Get your hands off of it. We think we know but really have no idea. Scripture says ‘There is a way that seems right to man, but in the end it leads to death (not only talking death in the physical but death in the spiritual)’. This doesn’t mean be afraid, or sit and do nothing. It means surrender your human (often selfish, scared, distorted, distracted) will, to the will of the Most High. Take the steps you need to take and do that work that needs to be done, then rest, in knowing that God heard you, & sees you, & knows you better than you! So don’t try to manipulate it, compromise your values/morals/integrity, lie or sneak or strategize deceitfully to make [it] happen. You won’t have to do ANY of that to get what God has for you. Pray, and surrender your will, to the will of the Most High. Get quiet & Ask for wisdom and discernment so that you can move accordingly. And then get.out.of.the.way. The plan will unfold more beautifully than you could ever imagine. Let God do it. I love you, have a great day! 💝 .


Dear Black Girl…


What Are You Creating?